Modification of the General Plan for urban planning in Bilbao in Zorrotzaurre (1)
The current General Plan delegates the detailed planning of Zorrotzaurre to a Special Plan. The reasons for this were the lack of a specific date for the transfer of port activities out of the Deusto Canal and the complexity of the urban problems of the area. It is a long time since the approval of the current General Plan in 1995 and new criteria for the development of Zorrotzaurre have appeared. These criteria have made it necessary to up-date the contents of the General Plan with regard to Zorrotzaurre.
After the due administration process, on March 31st 2011, the City Council, in full, unanimously agreed the definitive approval of the General Plan for Zorrotzaurre. Its principal characteristicsare as follows:
The total surface area of Zorrotzaurre(838,781.25 m2 ) has been divided into the following zones:
- The Mixed Zone (609.109,71 m2).
- The Health Installations Zone (12.178,15m2).